The Magic of Kislev and Holiday Movies

Yesterday, I received an email stating that today, the 9th of Kislev is an auspicious day for prayer and meditation.   It was a few minutes before 6:00 p.m. and I knew the garage door would open any minute with my family arriving home for the evening.   I had just a few minutes of quiet time and had been remiss in my own meditation practice.   So I was very inspired to get in a few minutes of meditation.  For those of you who know me, music is a big part of my meditation experience, especially when I lead a class.  Well, there was no time to get music, I just sat down and started my practice.    For anyone who meditates, some experiences are relaxing, others insightful and others times can leave you feeling frustrated.   Well those 5 minutes for me were a treat and a delight.  I had a rather disappointing day and my ego was getting the best of me.  Immediately, my Spirit asked me a question.  “Why is it that I really enjoy those holiday LifeTime TV specials on the weekends?   Yes the nice Jewish girl really enjoys those movies about families celebrating Christmas. When my Spirit asks me such questions, I have learned to just go with it.  I started listing all the reasons – they are mindless and engaging, a break from reality, an hour or so when I do have to be doing anything.  The big take away for me was that everything usually works out in the end and to TRUST.  Sometimes letting go of control and trusting the universe is the real magic.  Those few minutes of meditation really gave me some mental relief.  Even if those movies are fantasy, they are a reminder of feeling love, expressing gratitude and trusting the Divine.

We are in the month of Kislev and shortly going to be celebrating two holidays, on the same day, here in the United States.   Thanksgiving and Chanukah.  In my opinion Thanksgiving is like the perfect little black dress in one’s wardrobe.  Thankfulness and gratitude goes with absolutely everything and the perfect remedy for all that ails.   Mix thankfulness with the holiday of Chanukah (miracles) and you have a recipe for success.  Kislev is a month of going forward and rekindling dreams.   Give yourself a holiday gift and start keeping a gratitude/dream journal.    On a regular basis, list all the things, people, events that bring you gratitude.   On the opposite page, list your dreams and wishes.  Then let go of expectations and let the universe deliver to your front door.

Much love,


Kislev – The Month of Miracles

Kislev is a magical time of year.   The spirit of the month is about the power of imagination, actualizing dreams and visions.  It’s a time to go forward in life with trust and faith.   As you all know I read and listen to many teachers and authors.  Many times I jot down noteworthy phrases.    Recently I glanced down at a piece of paper on my desk that simply said “Trust the Timing.”  Those few words helped me to go with the flow of life and trust in the Divinity of God.

Kislev is a month of miracles and redemption.  It’s a time to embrace possibilities and be empowered to what we want.  The whole month is a time of Thanksgiving.

The month is shaped by the holiday of Chanukah, the holiday of miracles.  As we celebrate Chanukah with the lighting of candles, we learn a deep truth about life, there is light amidst the darkness.  At the darkest time, there is light and there will be light.

The name Kislev is Babylonian in origin.  The word Kis in Hebrew means pocket and lev means heart.  A capacity to be a vessel for what your heart desires.

Often people may have desires, but do not know how to receive what they want into their life and stay in a place of wanting.  During this month we have a greater capacity to actually receive by just allowing and letting go of expectations.   It’s truly a time to connect and listen to your own heart.


Spend at least 5 minutes twice a week connecting/remembering/experiencing your Divine Self.  This can be done with a meditation, walk, bath, folding laundry or anything that calms your thinking mind.   Then journal your experience.  It can be as short as a few sentences.

Please feel free to share your experiences with the group!