Adar, A Month of JOY

The month of Adar is all about increasing JOY in our lives and in our community.   Some months the energy is reflective, other months it’s cleansing and other times its very active.   So what do the Jewish mystics mean about “increasing joy” as opposed to simply experiencing joy?   There are certain times we get the pleasure of simply experiencing joy such as the simcha of a wedding or the birth of a baby.   Other times we experience unexpected joy like receiving a flower for no apparent reason.  Other times in life, we need to seek out joy. So why is this so important?  Just as in nature, human life is a series of ups and downs.  The sun rises, the sun sets and our bodies are programmed to follow the circadian rhythm. Sometimes we are happy and other times sad.   All emotions and feelings are good, but when negative feelings and/or anxiety interrupt life too frequently, it’s time to learn how to “increase joy.”  It’s time to reach for a better feeling thought on the subject or even change the channel. Yes our “personal stories” are all too real, but yet it’s our perception that determines our experience.  Try not to get so caught up in the drama of the story.

While teaching a meditation class early in the month of Adar, I was shown a Jewish star.   I was told to look at the intricacies of the Jewish star – the perfect balance of the triangles representing the combination of male and female energy.   I was also shown the “holes” which reflect the light of the Divine or God.  It was an amazing experience to see the Jewish star all illuminated with light.  Then my spirit had a special assignment for myself and the attendees.  We were told to go home and draw a Jewish star.   At each of the six points, we were to write down ways which we wanted to experience or create JOY.   Basically we had to identify 6 new ways to have fun and to take care of ourselves.  Wow, an assignment where we are told to have joyful experiences.   Laughter is contagious and sometimes the best medicine! 

How will you increase joy in your life?   Please share your ideas.




Adar – A Joyful Time of Year

Welcome to the month of Adar!  The wise Jewish sages say “Joy is Increased in the Month of Adar.”   The month is about learning to heal and grow through joy and laughter.

Many of you will read this first line and think really?   How can this month be so joyful when it’s so cold outside and the North East is recovering yet again from winter blizzard?  The secret to joy comes from appreciating the present moment.   It’s really not any big secret.   When you can get yourself into a state of appreciate, guess what happens?   The universe wants to give you more to appreciate.   If you can find the joy in events, what happens?  The universe wants to give you more joyful events.  When you align yourself with love, what happens?   Well being today is Valentine’s Day and this is a very respectful blog, you can keep your answers to yourself……

There were many posts on Facebook about parents relishing in delight at the site of their children building snow people, going sledding and enjoying hot chocolate.    Sometimes it’s so peaceful to stay home, enjoy a home cooked meal and watch a movie.   I know everyone had a stocked kitchen because Shoprite was packed & shelves empty Thursday night at 10:00, following my meditation class at Temple Chaverim.

How does it get any better than that?   Well my friends, it only does get better.

The joy in life comes from within.  It’s never from an outside event or another individual.    If you wait to be happy until this next event occurs, you are missing the boat.   Waiting to exhale does not bring peace or joy.  Remembering the fact you were born with a beautiful soul brings joy.   Be present with the fact you are perfect.   We were also born with Free Will to experience our human incarnation.   Some experiences are pleasant and others not as much.  However the contrast allow one to experience gratitude and appreciation.   Our journey in this life shapes our soul and all experiences are for learning.

Sit for a moment and just connect with your inner light.   How does it feel?   Does this bring you joy?

The next meditation class at Temple Chaverim, Thursday evening, February 21 @ 7:30 p.m.  will give you the chance experience your own light from within.   Usually I have no idea about the details for the meditation.   This time I have full awareness!

Much love,


The Commandment to Rejoice

The Torah has 613 commandments (mitzvot) within its teachings.  One of these commandment is “You are commanded to rejoice.”  It does not say you shall only rejoice when you are happy.  The Torah says “You are commanded to rejoice – whether you’re happy or whether you are sad, whether you are rich or poor.”  Most Rabbis recognize this is not always easy.

I thought this was an interesting commandment to consider, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and the Nor’easter.   These weather events left much destruction in the Northeast and many experienced incredible loss and extreme suffering.  So do we ignore this commandment OR have Faith in God and ourselves and find the joy?

The energy of the month of Cheshwan is about purification and letting go of things, ideas and beliefs that are not in alignment with our true nature.  The Torah portion of Noah and the Flood are studied during the beginning of Cheshwan. The flood was a purification process. The ark provided a sanctuary for maintaining the purity of God’s intention. There will always be floods in the forms of challenges in the course of one’s life.  Here’s an interesting fact, the Hebrew word for ark is teva, which also means “word.”  Our own internal arks will serve us well, especially during times of adversity.  Positive, joyful words and thoughts provide us with internal safety and security.  When we remain positive, we attract goodness into our lives and influence those around us.   Remember laughter is contagious.

Personally my family did not experience too much destruction from Sandy.  Some minimal damage to the house and landscape and two weeks without electricity.  It was and still is a surreal time.  I did my best to stay aware of my thoughts, feelings, reactions during this time.  The process of cleaning out 2 packed refrigerators was cathartic.  As I was tossing all the items I became very aware of several issues.  First, how much “emotional baggage” am I holding taking up valuable space and not serving me?  Second what “gifts” am I storing that I am just not using?  Finally, do I really need to hoard all this stuff – would it not be best just to travel light?

I became very aware of the power of the sun and the contrast of the night.  The natural sunlight to warm the house and provide light in which to operate.  The darkness of the night made me appreciate the warmth and security of my husband and children.

I also came into greater appreciation for my friends, family, neighbors & community who offered so much support.   Whether it be the use of a washer/dryer, a warm place to stay, a home cooked meal or a night out with laughter.  We truly are a community of Chaverim.  It was certainly a time of bonding and no one was getting left behind.

My wish for you is to find some joy during this time.

