Rosh Hashanah and the Spiritual Energies of Tishrei

First of all, wishing all my friends and family L’ Shanah Tovah.    All the health and happiness for the new year!  I feel so thankful and grateful as I look back at this past year.  I was given many gifts and blessings, even if they did not feel that way at the time.

As we usher in the spiritual energies of Tishrei this evening, take some quiet time to breathe in the love surrounding you.  The love is all around.   Tishrei is a very special time of year.  It is said God is very close to us during this month.  All you have to do is ask, allow and trust.   Then patiently be aware for the answers.  If you ask, God will answer – that is where the trust part comes along.

This past weekend as I was driving to the gym for a workout, I asked God to make “himself known to me.”   I said if you want me to do this work and be on this path, I want clear directions.  I don’t like all this guess work. Since God is all-patient and has a sense of humor (that is if he/she were in physical form) I bet he had a nice laugh at my rantings and ravings.   I arrived at my class a few moments early and as any good New Yorker would do, I checked my smart phone for any sort of messages.    To my delight, there was an email “waiting for me.”   The email’s subject line was simply stated “ALIGN.”   Now if you take my meditation class, that’s all I talk about, aligning with your true self.   The email went on to say “It’s less about where you are going and more about how you want to feel on your journey.  Identify the feeling and take it into your life.   This immediately aligns you with the flow of your greatest potentials.”

I sat quietly in my car and thought, Wow – God sent me an email.   It was the exact message I needed in the moment.   For me that message always rings true.  I gave thanks and said the Shema before going to exercise.

Wishing you all L’ Shanah Tovah.



BTW, the next Jewish Meditation Class at Temple Chaverim is Thursday, September 12 @ 7:30 p.m.   It will be a forgiveness meditation.

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